For a while know, I've been selling my patterns on various venues, such as Etsy, Craftsy, and Ravelry to name a few.
After the move and settling down in the new place, the ides was to get back on the horse, so to speak, start creating and selling online again, because to be honest having a day job is great, but I miss being able to create on a whim!
However, as I mentioned in my previous post, things don't always go as planned, and with limited resources, my creative muse was really suffering.
What could I do to still appease her?
I decided to take the plunge and put all of my patterns in one spot by creating my first book on Amazon.
It's with a lot of pride that I present you Crocheted Little Patterns
It's with a lot of pride that I present you Crocheted Little Patterns

Right now is in Kindle format, but I do dream one day of being able to actually print it, and maybe even stream online some focal points of my tutorials.....
Well, I'm allowed to dream, aren't I?
If you too have a book idea and you are wondering how to do it, trust me, it is hard. Amazon offer a very detailed guide. It was easy and fun, and I plan eventually to have more.
I hope I gave you an idea of a fun project for this summer.
Or maybe you are a pro with already books out there and would like to share: feel free.
If anything, consider my book or suggest it to a friend or family member that would like to have it.
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