Monday, January 30, 2012

Trading with Knotty Quilts

As you might well know, I'm addicted to trading.
In the past months I traded my heart out and got some amazing gifts for every body on Christmas.
So I bragging now about my trade with Knotty Quilts as I was able to score the nicest and warmer twin size quilts for my kids.

See for yourself!!

Princesses for little Michelle

And coolest Spiderman for Gabriel

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Handmade Wednesday *Week 53*

Welcome to Week 53 of the Handmade Wednesday Store & Blog Hop hosted by Blue Eyed Blessings and Crocheted Little Things!

Are you trying to get your Crafty Blog and/or Store off the ground?

Looking for more followers for your crafty related blogs?

Looking for more people to “favorite” your store?

Are you looking for new hip and original crafty stores?

If you said yes, to any of the above questions, you’re in the right spot!


This weeks CO-HOSTS

Each week we’ll spotlight one crafty Blog & crafty Site picked at random via to be included in the next week’s Wednesday Handmade Store & Blog Hop Linky!


How will the LINKY work? Easy!

1) Enter your blog and/or store into the appropriate Linky below!

*BLOGS* = 1st set of Linky’s

*STORES* = 2nd set of Linky’s

*For the STORES link, please specify what type of store: ETSY:, ARTFIRE:, etc.!

2) Follow the Handmade Wednesday Hosts & Co-Hosts! Leave a comment letting us know you're stopping by from Handmade Wednesday, so we can follow you back!!

3) Visit & Follow the blog directly ahead of you in the linky! Leave them a comment too, telling them you stopped by!

4) Grab our Button and Linky Codes to share with all your Blogging, Etsy, Artifre, etc. with your friends!

*Please remember that our blogs are Family Friendly and any thumbnails or links that we feel are inappropriate will be removed*

Add Your CRAFTY BLOG Here!

*Don’t forget to include what type of store you have (Etsy, Artfire, Personal, etc.)*

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Al last.....

I'm sure most of my readers are wondering why I'm not writing anymore. The reason is the the past few months have been a little bit of a roller coaster with so many things happening one after another that was difficult for me to absorb them all and put them down in writing.
But now I really need to get some of it now.

It's barely 7 am here and I've been up from 1 hour already. Why?
Gabriel started at his new school today. And nope, it's not the school where my daughter is going, the one that he wanted in so badly. They decided he wasn't good enough for them. Instead the county sent him 30 miles away. I guess for the Okaloosa County is perfectly fine for a disabled child to have to wake up before 6 to be sent to a school far away to get some "services" that the local school seems to think they don't need to provide. It sucks and it's wrong. They are wrong by thinking that I'm just going to accept that.

So after fighting from September, hiring a lawyer and threatening legal action, my son still didn't get in the school he wanted. Maybe I'm old, but when I was school age I picked my own school and my parents had a say so if they deemed that inappropriate for any reason. For the Okaloosa county the students opinion is nothing and parents are just tax payers fools. Nice.

I'm so worried for my boy today and I know that I'm more scared than he is.
It's 7.20 now and I imagine he just made it to school and somebody is directing him to his classroom. I can only hope that he remembers me telling him to listen to what people say and pay attention so he will get in the right classroom. You see, for people with Autism like me and him every new thing seems out of place for a while and can be very scary. This morning for him all it's new and although I know we showed him the way to cope with all that and he has been doing wonderfully, part of me still fears. But of course I do, is the Autism making me talk this way.

This will be a very loooooooooooooong day I can tell.....

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Handmade Wednesday *Week 52*

Welcome to Week 52 of the Handmade Wednesday Store & Blog Hop hosted by Blue Eyed Blessings and Crocheted Little Things!

Are you trying to get your Crafty Blog and/or Store off the ground?

Looking for more followers for your crafty related blogs?

Looking for more people to “favorite” your store?

Are you looking for new hip and original crafty stores?

If you said yes, to any of the above questions, you’re in the right spot!


This weeks CO-HOSTS

Each week we’ll spotlight one crafty Blog & crafty Site picked at random via to be included in the next week’s Wednesday Handmade Store & Blog Hop Linky!


How will the LINKY work? Easy!

1) Enter your blog and/or store into the appropriate Linky below!

*BLOGS* = 1st set of Linky’s

*STORES* = 2nd set of Linky’s

*For the STORES link, please specify what type of store: ETSY:, ARTFIRE:, etc.!

2) Follow the Handmade Wednesday Hosts & Co-Hosts! Leave a comment letting us know you're stopping by from Handmade Wednesday, so we can follow you back!!

3) Visit & Follow the blog directly ahead of you in the linky! Leave them a comment too, telling them you stopped by!

4) Grab our Button and Linky Codes to share with all your Blogging, Etsy, Artifre, etc. with your friends!

*Please remember that our blogs are Family Friendly and any thumbnails or links that we feel are inappropriate will be removed*

Add Your CRAFTY BLOG Here!

*Don’t forget to include what type of store you have (Etsy, Artfire, Personal, etc.)*

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Handmade Wednesday *Week 51*

Welcome to Week 51 of the Handmade Wednesday Store & Blog Hop hosted by Blue Eyed Blessings and Crocheted Little Things!

Are you trying to get your Crafty Blog and/or Store off the ground?

Looking for more followers for your crafty related blogs?

Looking for more people to “favorite” your store?

Are you looking for new hip and original crafty stores?

If you said yes, to any of the above questions, you’re in the right spot!


This weeks CO-HOSTS

Each week we’ll spotlight one crafty Blog & crafty Site picked at random via to be included in the next week’s Wednesday Handmade Store & Blog Hop Linky!


How will the LINKY work? Easy!

1) Enter your blog and/or store into the appropriate Linky below!

*BLOGS* = 1st set of Linky’s

*STORES* = 2nd set of Linky’s

*For the STORES link, please specify what type of store: ETSY:, ARTFIRE:, etc.!

2) Follow the Handmade Wednesday Hosts & Co-Hosts! Leave a comment letting us know you're stopping by from Handmade Wednesday, so we can follow you back!!

3) Visit & Follow the blog directly ahead of you in the linky! Leave them a comment too, telling them you stopped by!

4) Grab our Button and Linky Codes to share with all your Blogging, Etsy, Artifre, etc. with your friends!

*Please remember that our blogs are Family Friendly and any thumbnails or links that we feel are inappropriate will be removed*

Add Your CRAFTY BLOG Here!

*Don’t forget to include what type of store you have (Etsy, Artfire, Personal, etc.)*

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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Is it Monday yet?

I know I've been very sporadic. This week has been very tough for me.
Lots of meetings with school personnel, phone calls, letters and so on. All in preparation of an IEP meeting for Gabriel that will take place Monday, January 9th (also is 8th birthday).
Big decision ahead: meaning I'm crying a lot and I'm sleeping close to nothing.

From one side there is this big desire to believe that Gabriel can handle going to a public school with little or no help. On the other, the biggest fear that it will not work out. Don't give me wrong, I do not expect to go smoothly and I know whatever happen I can always fix it. It's one of those situations where I wish I could go ahead of time, like 6 months from now, to see how it plays out and choose accordingly. Of course, life doesn't work this way.

To sum the situation up for who don't know: Gabriel graduated from a private Autism Center last month after being there of a little bit less than 1 year (HERE) and it's getting ready to go back into the public system.

Should I mention that I also have a daughter in kindergarten going in the school across the street. This school won't enroll Gabriel. Initially they told me that he didn't qualify for his test results were too low (talk about discrimination), then when we tested him again and he scored ok, they told me that they were afraid his behavior might disrupt the classroom. After fighting to have him in a classroom for 2 hours this week and see what his behavior looks like (was totally acceptable), they are telling me that he requires too much work to get him up to speed with the other children, they even complained of him yawning too much. WHAT THE HELL????

The school district is trying to "bully" me into sending him in another school, 20-25 minutes away from here where they claim are available some "extra" services for my son should he have any troubles. The only trouble he has is that he already frequented that school and he was miserable and thus doesn't wish to get back there, not in a million years.

So what to do, what to do? They are playing on my mommy fears to get all this "extra" help and send him to this particular school, but mommy's heart is telling me that I should listen my son and at least give him a chance in the school he wants to go (where I can keep an eye on him since it's only 1 minute and 30 seconds away) and then IF and only WHEN it doesn't work out, thinking of another solution.

I think it's time to get my little bird out of the nest and see if he flies or fall....what do you think?

All will be discussed and hopefully decided on Monday (did I mention that I'm at it from September???)
I hope I will be up to the task: to listen without getting emotional, to ask the right questions, to keep my cool and make the best of it.

Wish me good luck and.....I will let you know on Monday!

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Handmade Wednesday *Week 50*

Wow, here we are in 2012 and are celebrating the 50th week of Handmade Wednesday!!! Thank you for participating! Hope you've gained some new followers, business and found new places to shop!


Welcome to Week 50 of the Handmade Wednesday Store & Blog Hop hosted by Blue Eyed Blessings and Crocheted Little Things!

Are you trying to get your Crafty Blog and/or Store off the ground?

Looking for more followers for your crafty related blogs?

Looking for more people to “favorite” your store?

Are you looking for new hip and original crafty stores?

If you said yes, to any of the above questions, you’re in the right spot!


This weeks CO-HOSTS

Each week we’ll spotlight one crafty Blog & crafty Site picked at random via to be included in the next week’s Wednesday Handmade Store & Blog Hop Linky!


How will the LINKY work? Easy!

1) Enter your blog and/or store into the appropriate Linky below!

*BLOGS* = 1st set of Linky’s

*STORES* = 2nd set of Linky’s

*For the STORES link, please specify what type of store: ETSY:, ARTFIRE:, etc.!

2) Follow the Handmade Wednesday Hosts & Co-Hosts! Leave a comment letting us know you're stopping by from Handmade Wednesday, so we can follow you back!!

3) Visit & Follow the blog directly ahead of you in the linky! Leave them a comment too, telling them you stopped by!

4) Grab our Button and Linky Codes to share with all your Blogging, Etsy, Artifre, etc. with your friends!

*Please remember that our blogs are Family Friendly and any thumbnails or links that we feel are inappropriate will be removed*

Add Your CRAFTY BLOG Here!

*Don’t forget to include what type of store you have (Etsy, Artfire, Personal, etc.)*

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Sad day :(

Do you remember my pet fish BOB?

Well, this morning I went to his tank to feed him and well...he was gone :(

We knew it will happen eventually, but he was with us since July and we were taking pretty good care of him and it was!

The kids were told, we showed them the "body". Gabriel wanted to know why and how. Michelle just started sobbing hard saying that it was her fault for not playing with Bob yesterday. She seems ok now and she agreed to have him buried tomorrow.

The funeral will be held tomorrow evening on our porch. We are going to gently put Bob in a tiny box and buried him in a pot with potty soil. We will plant wild flowers on it so when spring comes and the pretty flowers will bloom, we can look at them and remember our little friend.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

Happy New Year Everyone! I wish to all of you reading this, much happiness and prosperity.

For me I do have a few new resolutions, but before I get into that, I will like to review the resolution I had last year READ HERE

  • I wanted to lose wait and sorry to say folks, I kept my promise up until March, then I just fall back into my old habits. Didn't gain any from last January tho, so not too bad.

  • I wanted to find a part time job and guess what?? It happens! Now to find a better one.....LOL

  • Trip in Italy didn't happen and will not for a while :(

  • My wish was to get 300 sales on my artfire shop my the end on 2011....well., I guess 274 is close enough, what do you think??

Many things happens, some very good (Gabriel graduation just recently), some a little bit less good (like moving, car troubles, etc).

For next year I have something I want to accomplish badly:

  • On top of the list, getting Gabriel in the same school as Michelle.

  • Found a better job (better hours and/or better pay)

  • But mostly an attitude change: I'm gonna smile all the time, just to piss off the people that are trying to bring me down :D I pledge to just smile bigger when someone will say something rude or offensive and to complain less and send people to (insert bad word here) sooner....and all with a smile.....who's with me?

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