Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas to me Part 4

I have started to get some Christmas goodies in the mail from my dear friends, so I thought to start sharing them with you and make you drool! 

This time the package is courtesy of Alisuns that sent me not one but two beautiful and sparkly necklaces. I loved the details and the colors, they remind me of Christmas bubbles, so I'm happily wearing one of them for this holidays. 

Still, I was a little perplex on why she sent me two necklaces and not just one, so I had to ask her when I thanked her and her reasoning was that it was a mother and daughter set!! How delightful! I immediately shared the necklace with my precious daughter Michelle. 

Do you think she liked it?? I know that she LOVED it!!! 

But then again all of Alisuns jewelry is so lovely! I'm also enjoying a pair of snowman earrings that we traded for months ago. See for yourself! 
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Terra Heck said...

Those are pretty necklaces. How cool that there were two to there's a matching set.

Adaptable Kay said...

Aw, how sweet to send TWO beautiful necklaces for you and your daughter to share!

Those are always fun to have and I'm so glad you BOTH enjoy them a lot ^.^

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